Family Information Guide for ReOpening 2020-2021
Updated 7/27/2020
Guiding Tenets for Decision Making
Health and Wellness
What you can expect from BAMS regarding health and wellness:
What you can do to support the health and wellness of your student, their peers, and school staff:
What you can expect from the school regarding mental health and wellness:
What you can expect from the school regarding the facility and safety:
Food and Nutrition Services
What you can expect from the school regarding Food and Nutrition Services:
What you can expect from the school regarding Transportation:
Access to Special Programs and Services:
What you can expect from the school regarding Access to Special Programs and Services:
Special Education Services
BAMS is committed to providing free and appropriate educational opportunities for students with disabilities, to the greatest extent possible in alignment with public health guidelines. Collaboration with families has always been an integral part of the special education process and continues to be essential during this time. To address the unique needs of students with disabilities staff will continue the work with families to collaboratively identify the most essential services for each student that can be provided. Individual Education Plan’s (IEPs) will be reviewed for the circumstances of the learning environment that the family selects.
Individualized Education Program (IEP) Meetings
BAMS is committed to providing families an opportunity to have meaningful participation in the special education process. Whether in-person or an alternative format, such as videoconferencing or by phone, IEP teams will partner with families to determine the most practical format to conduct IEP meetings.
Delivery of Special Education and Related Services
General education/special education educators, related services providers and families will discuss students’ individual needs and agree to a prioritized set of services that provide access to curriculum and enable progress toward IEP goals. Services for students with specific health or support needs will be addressed in collaboration with families on an individual basis.
Progress Monitoring and Reporting
IEP teams will have in place consistent data collection and service log procedures for use across all learning environments. Collecting data and tracking the provision of services will assist educators and families in determining the effectiveness of instruction provided, student performance on IEP goals/objectives, and assist IEP teams in making any necessary adjustments to instruction. Quarterly reports on the progress the child is making toward meeting the annual goals will continue to be provided.
Education Plan (IEPs) or 504 Plan accommodations in BAMS Distance Classroom
All students attending Online will have access to the many accommodations that naturally occur in the virtual setting. In addition, Online will provide any accommodations listed on the IEP that are applicable to the online educational environment. Please note that some accommodations may not be possible to implement in the online educational setting. The IEP team, (general education teachers, special education teachers, related services providers, and families), will work collaboratively if it is determined an accommodation is not appropriate or successful in a particular setting.
Confidentiality and Student Privacy
For families who select BAMS Distance Classroom Online, special education and related service providers will use digital platforms approved by the school for secure access. As with services provided in the brick and mortar classroom, educators may set ground rules regarding non-student presence during virtual instruction based on age and developmental level. It is also important to note that at no time will there be any recording of lessons when students are present in the digital environment.
Related Services
The school will have a customized plan to discourage large gatherings of students in hallways and common areas, using clear communication and signage to reinforce the message. The number of students allowed in the cafeteria and gymnasiums will be reduced. Extracurricular activities might resume and will adhere to recommendations from CDC and the state. This model should not impede necessary IEP services. Every effort should be made to schedule services to occur within the traditional group. Students in BAMS Classroom Online may come to school campuses to receive their IEP related services (OT/PT/SLP) or may select to participate in the related services virtually. This should be a set schedule so that space is reserved and to minimize as much mixing within a traditional group as possible.
Private Instructional Providers and Community Providers (i.e. Mental Health Providers)
Service providers that are allowed by statute need to schedule with school and be approved before visiting campus. This should be scheduled in advance with the Principal so that space is reserved and to minimize as much mixing within a traditional cohort as possible. Location on campus will be determined on a case by case basis.
Students that Need Reading or Math Remediation
Students that score level 1 or 2 on the Florida Standards Assessment will be enrolled in appropriate coursework to provide academic interventions matched to their identified needs. Tier II and Tier III interventions required by state law will continue in both platform options.
BAMS is committed to continuing to identify and serve English Language Learners. Whether in-person or an alternative format, ESOL strategies will continue to be implemented by instructional and support staff to address the academic and language needs of ELL students. In addition, ESOL teams will continue to partner with families and schools to provide resources and tools to ensure the academic success of ELL students. Whether the students are in traditional school, or online, we are committed to providing instruction that will allow students to reach their maximum potential.
Students who develop symptoms outside of school:
Students who experience symptoms when they arrive at school or become sick during the school day:
Return to School Guidelines for Parents Form
- Social distancing will be enforced wherever possible.
- Students will be required to wear a face mask or cloth face covering when not able to social distance. Masks must be solid in color unless wearing the school uniform face mask
- All school buildings will be cleaned thoroughly after school and during the day. Ongoing cleaning protocols will be implemented. Buses will be sanitized after all morning drop offs and at the end of the day. Cleaning protocols will be implemented between runs.
- Sick employees and students will be required to remain at home.
- Large gatherings will be limited to numbers that allow for social distancing.
Health and Wellness
What you can expect from BAMS regarding health and wellness:
- All staff will receive COVID-19 training (include transmission, prevention and use of mask) with opportunity for Q & A.
- Daily staff screener will be implemented.
- Staff and students will wear masks, when social distancing is not possible.
- In conjunction with the Department of Health, we have established expectations and procedures for notification of illness.
- Signage posted describing signs/symptoms, proper handwashing, social distancing, and when to stay home.
- Frequent promotion of daily hygiene and social distancing measures throughout the school building.
What you can do to support the health and wellness of your student, their peers, and school staff:
- Be informed about the school’s plan for reopening and ask questions to clarify procedures.
- Be patient and understanding when plans and procedures need to change to keep students and staff safe.
- Inform the school as soon as a positive COVID test result occurs with any members of my family.
- Follow health care provider or health department directives regarding the need for quarantine or isolation for you or your family.
- Screen your child daily prior to coming to school and report illness concerns immediately.
- Adhere to the school procedures regarding student’s exclusion from school and return to class after illness.
- Avoid any after school face-to-face social interactions between my child and their peers unless CDC guidelines are followed.
- Speak with your provider regarding the importance of flu vaccination this season to avoid absences.
- Reinforce/educate your child on proper handwashing, covering your cough or coughing into a Kleenex, when to wear a mask, and how to social distance.
- Provide school with current contact numbers to assist in open communication between school and home.
- Encourage your child to eat healthy, exercise, and develop good sleeping habits.
- Provide your child with an age appropriate explanation of COVID-19 and ask what questions they may have to ensure they have accurate information and to relieve their fears.
- Practice ways your child can greet/interact with peers that does not involve contact.
- Screen your children for symptoms prior to going to school each day.
- Provide personal solid colored mask and hand sanitizer for your children.
- Encourage your student to wear a solid colored face covering, wash hands frequently, and follow good general hygiene practices. Educate your children to consistently self-regulate their behaviors in following CDC and school guidelines for the safety of themselves, other students, and staff. Educate them about hand washing, social distancing, refraining from touching others, and refraining from touching their faces.
- Update parent contact information provided to the school.
- Keep your children home if they are sick or exhibiting symptoms. Actively monitor your student’s health daily for any changes or concerns.
What you can expect from the school regarding mental health and wellness:
- BAMS is aware that all of our students and families have been impacted in some way by COVID, and we are prepared to continue to support our students when they return in the fall regardless of which of the options selected.
- Resources are available to assist your student with mental health needs, this ranges from support from our school counselor, social worker, and school nurse as well as linking your child with community resources if needed.
- There will be more frequent student check-in occurring in the fall to ensure students aren’t missed who may need additional emotional or mental health support.
- It’s important to understand that we are all in this pandemic together, just as your family has been impacted by COVID: your student’s classmates, teachers, administrators and all school staff have been impacted as well. The safety and well being of our community is extremely important as we begin to prepare to reopen our school. New procedures and ways of work will be established to ensure safety in our school, as the ongoing support of our families is important.
What you can expect from the school regarding the facility and safety:
- Social distancing will be maintained where possible. One-way traffic flows inside buildings may be created where feasible to improve social distancing of students and staff.
- Everyone will be collectively responsibility for cleaning and sanitizing.
- Enhanced daily and weekly cleaning activities, including disinfecting touch points around the campus throughout the day.
- Increased frequency of changing AC filters.
- Spray bottles of germicide and microfiber cloths placed in each classroom. Cloths will be washed daily.
- Hand sanitizing stations in high-traffic locations where hand washing is not available.
- An isolation area at school for students exhibiting symptoms.
Food and Nutrition Services
What you can expect from the school regarding Food and Nutrition Services:
- More frequent sanitation on high touch points
- Employees will be required to wear masks in addition to the already established health and safety protocols based on Health Department guidelines.
- Continued use of disposable cutlery and trays.
- All condiments will be in pre-portioned packages.
- There will be streamlined menu offerings in order to promote efficiency.
- Dining outside of the cafeteria.
- We suggest that your child does not handle cash and/or check for the payment of their meal. Please place money on your child’s meal account online.
What you can expect from the school regarding Transportation:
- Eligible students choosing to participate in school transportation will continue to receive transportation services similar to years past. As a result of the current health concern, students utilizing transportation are expected to wear a face covering while being transported and follow seating directions from school bus staff.
- School buses will be sanitized each day.
- Parents who choose to transport their student, must use the BAMS drop off/pick-up line. Berkley Charter Elementary will not allow any students other than elementary to be dropped off or picked up on their campus for car riders. This includes the front and rear elementary parking lots.
Access to Special Programs and Services:
What you can expect from the school regarding Access to Special Programs and Services:
Special Education Services
BAMS is committed to providing free and appropriate educational opportunities for students with disabilities, to the greatest extent possible in alignment with public health guidelines. Collaboration with families has always been an integral part of the special education process and continues to be essential during this time. To address the unique needs of students with disabilities staff will continue the work with families to collaboratively identify the most essential services for each student that can be provided. Individual Education Plan’s (IEPs) will be reviewed for the circumstances of the learning environment that the family selects.
Individualized Education Program (IEP) Meetings
BAMS is committed to providing families an opportunity to have meaningful participation in the special education process. Whether in-person or an alternative format, such as videoconferencing or by phone, IEP teams will partner with families to determine the most practical format to conduct IEP meetings.
Delivery of Special Education and Related Services
General education/special education educators, related services providers and families will discuss students’ individual needs and agree to a prioritized set of services that provide access to curriculum and enable progress toward IEP goals. Services for students with specific health or support needs will be addressed in collaboration with families on an individual basis.
Progress Monitoring and Reporting
IEP teams will have in place consistent data collection and service log procedures for use across all learning environments. Collecting data and tracking the provision of services will assist educators and families in determining the effectiveness of instruction provided, student performance on IEP goals/objectives, and assist IEP teams in making any necessary adjustments to instruction. Quarterly reports on the progress the child is making toward meeting the annual goals will continue to be provided.
Education Plan (IEPs) or 504 Plan accommodations in BAMS Distance Classroom
All students attending Online will have access to the many accommodations that naturally occur in the virtual setting. In addition, Online will provide any accommodations listed on the IEP that are applicable to the online educational environment. Please note that some accommodations may not be possible to implement in the online educational setting. The IEP team, (general education teachers, special education teachers, related services providers, and families), will work collaboratively if it is determined an accommodation is not appropriate or successful in a particular setting.
Confidentiality and Student Privacy
For families who select BAMS Distance Classroom Online, special education and related service providers will use digital platforms approved by the school for secure access. As with services provided in the brick and mortar classroom, educators may set ground rules regarding non-student presence during virtual instruction based on age and developmental level. It is also important to note that at no time will there be any recording of lessons when students are present in the digital environment.
Related Services
The school will have a customized plan to discourage large gatherings of students in hallways and common areas, using clear communication and signage to reinforce the message. The number of students allowed in the cafeteria and gymnasiums will be reduced. Extracurricular activities might resume and will adhere to recommendations from CDC and the state. This model should not impede necessary IEP services. Every effort should be made to schedule services to occur within the traditional group. Students in BAMS Classroom Online may come to school campuses to receive their IEP related services (OT/PT/SLP) or may select to participate in the related services virtually. This should be a set schedule so that space is reserved and to minimize as much mixing within a traditional group as possible.
Private Instructional Providers and Community Providers (i.e. Mental Health Providers)
Service providers that are allowed by statute need to schedule with school and be approved before visiting campus. This should be scheduled in advance with the Principal so that space is reserved and to minimize as much mixing within a traditional cohort as possible. Location on campus will be determined on a case by case basis.
Students that Need Reading or Math Remediation
Students that score level 1 or 2 on the Florida Standards Assessment will be enrolled in appropriate coursework to provide academic interventions matched to their identified needs. Tier II and Tier III interventions required by state law will continue in both platform options.
BAMS is committed to continuing to identify and serve English Language Learners. Whether in-person or an alternative format, ESOL strategies will continue to be implemented by instructional and support staff to address the academic and language needs of ELL students. In addition, ESOL teams will continue to partner with families and schools to provide resources and tools to ensure the academic success of ELL students. Whether the students are in traditional school, or online, we are committed to providing instruction that will allow students to reach their maximum potential.
Students who develop symptoms outside of school:
- Notify school by calling the absence line and stay home. Update in the Parent Absence Online Reporting link.
Students who experience symptoms when they arrive at school or become sick during the school day:
- Student should notify a staff member as soon as they feel symptoms commonly associated with COVID-19
- The clinic must be called before sending any student to the clinic.
- If a student is unable to go to the clinic independently, separate the ill student from rest of the class until an adult arrives (with a mask) to escort the student to clinic. Do not send sick child using the “buddy” system.
- A temperature will be obtained for every student who presents to the clinic with symptoms of illness. Students with fever (and other symptoms) will be immediately directed to the isolation area and face covering applied (as tolerated by student).
- Masks will be placed on all students with any COVID-19 like symptoms
- Students who are ill will be escorted out of the building to their parents following school guidelines:
- All students that are sent home must receive a copy of the “Return to School Guidelines or Parents”.
- Suggest parent/guardian call FDOH COVID Hotline at 866-779-6121 or student’s primary provider for guidance regarding presenting symptoms if testing for COVID-19 is warranted.
- Educate parents on recognizing serious warning signs and when to seek emergency medical attention.
Return to School Guidelines for Parents Form