Department of Children and Families Abuse Hotline:
Berkley Accelerated
Middle and Advanced Studies
5316 Berkley Rd, Auburndale, FL 33823
Phone: 863-984-2400
Berkley is a Tuition-Free Charter School
Principal: Jill Bolender: [email protected]
Parent Liaison: Loren Walker [email protected]
Incoming 6th Grade Parent Video Below
Berkley is a School of ExcellenceSection 1003.631, Florida Statutes, requires the State Board of Education to designate a school as a School of Excellence if the school’s percentage of possible points earned in its school grade calculation is in the 80th percentile or higher for schools comprised of the same grade groupings (elementary, middle, high, and combination) for at least two of the last three school years if the school meets the qualifying criteria. |
Berkley continues to be an "A" rated school by the State of FloridaBerkley is a State of Florida Designated "High Performing Charter School" |
Our Mission: Berkley is committed to inspiring our students to Believe in Better, to encourage them to aspire to higher learning, and challenge them to achieve their maximum individual potential while providing a supportive and safe educational environment. "Believe in BETTER!" |
The FortifyFL app is LIVE. Now, any student, educator, parent or member of the public can report school safety concerns directly to law enforcement and school administrators anonymously and easily through the FortifyFL app or The Florida Legislature directed this tool’s development in the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety Act.
The app, which is available for download on Apple and Android mobile devices, is critical to ensuring all Florida schools are safe environments where students and educators can experience and share the joy of learning without fear.
The app, which is available for download on Apple and Android mobile devices, is critical to ensuring all Florida schools are safe environments where students and educators can experience and share the joy of learning without fear.
Berkley is a Bully Free School. Click on the No Bully Zone picture for information about bully prevention and reporting:
BAMS/BASA is a "Drug Free Workplace"
"An Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer".
No person shall, on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, age, marital status, disability, political or religious beliefs, national or ethnic origin, or sexual orientation be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity, or in any employment conditions or practices conducted by this School, except as provided by law.
The School shall comply with all state and federal laws, which prohibit discrimination and are designed to protect the civil rights of applicants, employees, and/or students, or other persons protected by applicable law.
The School shall admit students to programs and classes without regard to race, color, religion, gender, age, national or ethnic origin, marital status, disability or handicap or sexual orientation.
"An Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer".
No person shall, on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, age, marital status, disability, political or religious beliefs, national or ethnic origin, or sexual orientation be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity, or in any employment conditions or practices conducted by this School, except as provided by law.
The School shall comply with all state and federal laws, which prohibit discrimination and are designed to protect the civil rights of applicants, employees, and/or students, or other persons protected by applicable law.
The School shall admit students to programs and classes without regard to race, color, religion, gender, age, national or ethnic origin, marital status, disability or handicap or sexual orientation.
To submit a Public Records Request- Click on the Button Below
If you have difficulty understanding English or have a disability, free language assistance or other aids and services are available upon request. Please call: (863)984-2400.
Si tiene dificultades para entender la lengua inglesa o presenta una discapacidad, puede solicitar asistencia lingüística y otros tipos de ayuda y servicios sin coste alguno. Llame al siguiente número de teléfono: (863)984-2400.
Si ou gen difikilte pou konprann anglè oswa ou gen yon andikap, asistans lengwistik gratis oswa lòt èd ak sèvis disponib sou demann. Tanpri rele: (863)984-2400.
Si tiene dificultades para entender la lengua inglesa o presenta una discapacidad, puede solicitar asistencia lingüística y otros tipos de ayuda y servicios sin coste alguno. Llame al siguiente número de teléfono: (863)984-2400.
Si ou gen difikilte pou konprann anglè oswa ou gen yon andikap, asistans lengwistik gratis oswa lòt èd ak sèvis disponib sou demann. Tanpri rele: (863)984-2400.